The CBI Variety Show

Sunday, May 7th at 12pm

Do you or your kid have a fun talent?  Do you sing, dance, play an instrument, do improv or other comedy, method acting or whatever??  WE NEED YOU!!  We want to have our first (and hopefully annual) CBI end of RS year talent/variety show and we need acts!  Let’s send the school year out with a BANG!!

We are looking for at least 12 acts (adult, child or children and any combination thereof) each lasting at least 3 minutes.   More acts would be great!  CBI President David Rosenberg will serve as one MC and is looking for a kid to serve as his co-host.  David will also be performing. 🙂  This will be a lot of fun and not require a ton of time away from home for practices – just prepare your act on your own and we will have a dress rehearsal for flow.

Tickets are $10/person and include lunch (hotdogs, chips, etc) and a ticket to the most entertaining show around!

Please email David Rosenberg ASAP with details about your act!