At Congregation B’nai Israel, our leadership is the guiding force behind our community’s vibrant spirit and unwavering commitment to our values. Led by a dedicated team of individuals who are passionate about serving our congregation, our leadership embodies our principles of compassion, integrity, and inclusivity.
Spiritual & Educational Leadership

Ellen Nemhauser
Rabbi Ellen Nemhauser was ordained in 1993 from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. She has worked in congregations, at Jewish summer camps, and at Emory University’s Center for Israel Education. She is currently our part-time rabbi while working full time for the Union for Reform Judaism. She serves as the president of Interfaith Atlanta, the organization that brings communities of faith together for dialogue, social justice, and learning.
In 2019 Ellen received a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. In recognition for her work with Interfaith groups, in 2017 Rabbi Ellen was the first female rabbi to be inducted into the Board of Preachers at Morehouse College’s Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel. She has served as the Jewish leader for multiple trips travelling with multifaith groups to Israel, Turkey, South Africa, Grand Canyon, Toronto, and California. In her spare time, Ellen enjoys hiking, travelling, and trying out new recipes on unsuspecting Sabbath dinner guests. She has three adult children and lives with her husband, Jeffrey in Sandy Springs.

Susan Burden
Cantorial Soloist
Susan Burden was appointed as Cantorial Soloist for Congregation B’nai Israel in August 2011. She assists Rabbi Nemhauser during Shabbat services, B’nai Mitzvah services, and other holiday and life cycle events. Susan also leads weekly Shabbat services and serves as the Cantorial support for High Holiday services. She works as a community liaison to promote understanding and friendship and teaches adult Hebrew classes.
Besides her Cantorial responsibilities, Susan tutors and prepares our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students, teaches Hebrew to grades K-2, and teaches a two-year Hebrew High School program of Judaic studies for 8th and 9th grade students, in preparation for Confirmation class in the 10th grade year. She has been a member of the synagogue since 1992 and has been actively involved for many years, serving on the Board of Trustees and assisting with programs and activities.

MindiAnn Butler
Religious School Director
After joining Congregation B’nai Israel in 1992, Mindi joined an adult Hebrew class, leading to her adult B’nai Mitzvah in 1994. Shortly after, Mindi was asked to teach religious school, teaching several grades over the next few years.
In 2020 Mindi stepped into the role of Religious School Director. She works closely with our Cantorial soloist, giving our students the best possible religious curriculum. Along with being the director, Mindi continues to teach in our religious school.
Board & Committee Leadership
Ellen Nemhauser Rabbi Email Rabbi Nemhauser
Hector Charyton President Email Hector
Brooke Davison Vice President Email Brooke
Stuart Rich Treasurer Email Stuart
Mike Schwartz Secretary Email Mike
Jeff Kalins Ritual & Pulpit Email Jeff
Heather Brown Social Activities Email Heather
Brooke Davison Membership Email Brooke
Angie Ellis Administrator Email Angie
Mindi Butler Religious School Director Email Mindi