Sponsor an oneg picture of food

CBI Oneg Sign Up 2019-2020

Hosting an Oneg

All Onegs are DAIRY. Please plan on providing refreshments for 25-30 people, but remember, this is a nosh, not a meal!  Suggestions include, but are not limited to, baked goods, fruit and veggie trays, or a cheese tray.

Drink dispensers, ice tea and lemonade mixes, and serving platters are available in the CBI kitchen.

Please be sure to provide the following:

  • Ice
  • Challah
  • Any necessary paper goods: plates, cups, napkins, forks/spoons, and tablecloths

You will receive an E-mail reminder one week and again three days before your scheduled date.

New “Sponsor an Oneg” option!  

No time to put an Oneg together?  We offer a sponsorship option!  Please purchase either a Basic or Deluxe Oneg, then sign up for an Oneg date below.  Please be sure to tell us that you’re sponsoring and oneg when signing up for a date.

That’s all it takes!  Beatrice and the Shabbat reps will take care of the rest!

Purchase your Sponsored Oneg:

Please note: When signing up, the page will reload.  Please scroll to the bottom to fill out the signup form.

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