Sisterhood 2019-2020 Signup

Based on our conversation at the retreat last spring, we’re trying something new with Sisterhood. This year, we’re relying on everyone to shepherd activities every month.  Here’s how it should go:

  • Each month should be shepherded by 1-3 people.
  • Two months out (don’t worry – you’ll get a reminder!), select 2 possible dates for board approval.  If you need some ideas or help planning, this is the time to ask Angie, Susan, or Kerry.  The sign up below has the first of the month as a default date – that is a placeholder until the actual date is scheduled.
  • One month out, details of the activity need to be in place, and the event will be promoted, with any RSVP or sign ups created for you.

Things to keep in mind while planning: We’re a small congregation, and people are pulled in a lot of different directions.  Please try to avoid scheduling events on days that already have CBI events, unless they tie in or are logistically feasible (ie RS parents may enjoy coffee or brunch while RS is in session, but couldn’t really participate in a volunteer opportunity in Atlanta during that time).  We can’t always accommodate everyone’s schedule and interest level.  If only a few people attend, but those people had a good experience, that’s a success!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Social Events:

  • dinner & a movie
  • wine tasting
  • Sisterhood Salon (topical article to read and discuss – possible sources include Kveller, Lilith, Atlanta Jewish Times)
  • Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
  • cultural events
  • cookbook club

Service & social action:

  • Medshare
  • Midwest Food Bank
  • visiting homebound congregants
  • knit/crochet hats for babies (possibly ongoing project – we could place a donation box and patterns at CBI.)


Please note: When signing up, the page will reload.  Please scroll to the bottom to fill out the signup form.

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